Our company will be closed between 29.07 and 15.08. We will respond to any inquiries after this date
Welcome to the official website of Mera - Poltik!
We are the manufacturers of precision instruments especially control devices from range of time and speed measurement (line and rotary).
Until December 2009 we were operating as Zakłady Mechanizmów Precyzyjnych
"Mera Poltik" Sp. z o. o. (Plant of Precision Mechanisms "Mera Poltik" Ltd.)
In January, 2010 we changed the status of our company and currently we are operating as Mera Poltik
Sp. z o. o.
History of our business activity goes back to 1945 when ZMP Mera Poltik was a state-owned company.
Within 50 years ZMP Mera Poltik developed two main groups of products: clock movements and measuring instruments for motoring branch (speedometers, tractor tachometers, magnetic tachometers, tachographs).

Market demands and economic changes that were taking place in the country forced ZMP Mera Poltik to adapting its commercial offer according to clients' demands.
Consequently, ZMP has limited its commercial offer to alarm clocks and clocks and started to look for new production possibilities. This resulted in starting cooperation with a German company – Diehl Ako.
This cooperation (production of spring wound timers) lasted from 1994 until 2009.
In December 2009, Diehl Ako due to its development and limiting its field of activity mainly to production of electronic products decided to hand over rights to the production of spring wound timers to Mera Poltik Sp. z o.o.
Precision is our second name that is why our products are characterized by high reliability and long durability. We encourage to visit our website in order to familiarize with our products and services that we have in our offer.
Please read our quality policy to review the essential areas and aspects which form the foundation of our company.
Mera-Poltik sp. z o.o. has successfully implemented and has been certified on ISO 9001:2015